allow in
英 [əˈlaʊ ɪn]
美 [əˈlaʊ ɪn]
准许进入(说明)allow in通常不用于进行体。
- allow to enter
- We cannot admit non-members into our club building
- This pipe admits air
- "We cannot allow a crisis in our financial system to become a crisis in confidence," he said.
我们不能允许金融体系中的危机演变成信心危机。 - Use the built-in chat window or any voice conferencing bridge to allow everyone in the team to take part.
使用内置的聊天窗口或任何语音视频桥来允许团队中的每个人参与项目。 - The IBM Lotus Domino environment provides a number of different configuration settings to allow flexibility in the implementation of quotas.
IBMLotusDomino环境提供许多不同的配置设置以使在限额的实现方面更具有可伸缩性。 - I guess the most important thing to allow for in their creation is to ensure that you have the data available.
我认为在创建KPI过程中最重要的一件事情就是确保有数据可用。 - In early morning, a cat's pupils are round and fully open to allow in as much light as possible.
清晨早些时候,猫的瞳孔成圆形,并且完全睁开以尽可能的收集光线。 - If CONTROL access is granted to a group, such as AP2USRS, it would allow users in that group to set both origin and identity context
如果CONTROL访问权授予一个组,比如AP2USRS,那么它将允许该组中的用户设置原始和身份上下文 - The following will allow all in the previous example just presented apart from the following hosts: dev01 and dev02.
下面的规则允许前面示例中允许的所有主机,但是以下主机除外:dev01和dev02。 - At this point, your job is simply to allow perceptions in, and to ask more and more questions in order to interpret what you're shown.
这个时候你要做的,就是让感觉进来,问更多的问题来解释呈现在你眼前的东西。 - Business rule sets consist of groups of rules that allow great flexibility in the implementation of complex business logic.
业务规则集由一组业务规则组成,这组规则在复杂业务逻辑的实现中具有很强的灵活性。 - Be sure to allow sufficient space in your div for the text to display properly.